EDSAC, Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer, was built by
Maurice Wilkes and colleagues at the University of Cambridge
Mathematics Lab, and came into use in May 1949.
It was a very well-engineered machine, and Wilkes designed it
to be a productive tool for mathematicians from the start.
It used mercury delay line tanks for main store
(512 words of 36 bits) and half megacycle/sec serial bit rate.
Input and output on paper tape, easy program load, nice rememberable
machine order-code.
See Resurrection issue 2
for some of Wilkes' design decisions.
Simulators of EDSAC included here are:
edsac.zip an emulator by Lee Wittenberg, for MS-DOS
to Martin Campbell-Kelly’s website containing an emulator
for Windows and for Mac together with many example programs.