Computer ◆ Conservation ◆ Society

CCS Membership

The Computer Conservation Society is inter alia a special interest group of BCS the Chartered Institure for IT. That said, membership of CCS is open to anybody with an interest in the history of computers and computing, whether they be BCS members or not. There are no membership fees for joining the Computer Conservation Society.

Administrative arrangements differ according to whether you are a BCS member or not —

BCS Members


Go to the BCS website, log in (top centre) then select, My Network, Specialist Groups and tick the Computer Conservation Society entry. Welcome to the CCS!

Changing contact details

Log into the BCS website as above then select the Update contact details entry in the My membership panel.

Leaving CCS

As per joining, but “untick” the Computer Conservation Society entry. Sorry to see you go.

Leaving BCS

We are aware that some BCS members terminate their membership on retirement. If that applies to you, you might want to consider retired rate membership or life membership.

But if you still want to leave, but you’d like to continue as a member of the Computer Conservation Society then you can re-join by following the instructions for non-members of the BCS on the right. It would be helpful to us if you note that you are leaving the BCS in the Additional Information box. If you were a BCS member for more than five years it would also be even more useful to say so because it MAY entitle you to continue to receive Resurrection, our journal, without charge.

non-BCS Members


Go to our new member web page and fill in the form.

Changing contact details

Go to our change member details web page and fill in the form.

Leaving CCS

If you’re sure, go to our member resigning web page and fill in the form.

Joining the BCS

If, as a CCS member, you decide to join BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, You should go to and follow the relevant links. Once you are fully signed up, follow the instructions for joining the CCS as a BCS member (see left) which will entitle you to a free copy of Resurrection the CCS journal. You should also remove yourself from the list of CCS members who are not BCS members by following the Leaving CCS instructions immediatly above.


Although there are no subscriptions to the Computer Conservation Society we do welcome small donations to support the work which we undertake. Each year we ask members to donate £15 or more to a ring-fenced fund which we use to support our projects and other worthwhile objectives in the field of computer restoration and history. This is, of course, completely voluntary – there is no obligation to contribute. Should you feel moved to contribute at any time please go to our donations page to find out about how to make a donation.


Members of the CCS who are also BCS members receive a free printed copy of the Society journal Resurrection four times a year as will any CCS members aged 60 and over who are also former-BCS members of at least five year’s standing. Other CCS members are invited to subscribe to Resurrection for the modest sum of £10.00 for four issues. Start from the Resurrection section of this website to subscribe.

In any event you may read Resurrection online at the Resurrection section of this website.

Annals of the History of Computing

Since the beginning of 2003, CCS members have benefited under an arrangement whereby they can subscribe to the IEEE’s Annals of the History of Computing at a reduced rate, provided that enough members sign up to make the scheme viable. To take advantage of this scheme, please contact Doron Swade (;) who administers the quarterly distribution of the Annals to CCS subscribers.

Data Privacy

Our data privacy policy is here.