Computer ◆ Conservation ◆ Society

Links to potentially useful web sites

CCS Projects

Bombe Rebuild Project

Colossus Rebuild Project

Our Computer Heritage

The ICL Archive - Introduction and Catalogue

Simulators for Historic Computers - for EDSAC, Elliott 903, Pegasus, SSEM, Sirius, ZEBRA and others.

UK Museums

Our UK Computer Museums page gives overall introductory information on all computer museum collections we know about that are open to the public, with pointers to their computer highlights.

The following pages give general information on the major museums, including visiting details.

London Science Museum

Science and Industry Museum in Manchester

The National Museum of Computing

Bletchley Park Trust

Other Museums

US Computer History Museum

Historic Computers

List of individual web sites


List of relevant books published by leading members of the Society

Related BCS Specialist Groups

FORTRAN Specialist Group

Other Computer History sites

Virgilio Pasquali´s ICT 1900 website

Archives IT - history website focussing on corporate history and senior figures.

Binary Dinosaurs

Jim Austin's Collection

LEO Society

Business Computers Ltd

Computer 50 - History of Manchester Computers

Atlas at 50 - Celebrating the Manchester University/Ferranti Atlas computer

Digital 60 - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Manchester Baby

Computerphile - A catalogue of short video presentations by Prof. David Brailsford at Nottingham University

Computer Restoration and Software Preservation

Emulation, Preservation & Abstraction - David Holdsworth and Paul Wheatley

C-ing ahead for digital longevity - David Holdsworth

Long-term Stewardship of Globally Distributed Representation Information

Computer Conservation and Curatorship - Doron Swade

Pegasus Personified - Simulation of an Historic Computer - Chris Burton