Computer Conservation Society
Annual General Meeting
22nd October 2015 at 14:00
Chair: Rachel Burnett
Fellows Library of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2DD
CCS Officers to be appointed
Chair | : | Rachel Burnett |
Secretary | : | Roger Johnson |
Treasurer | : | David Hartley |
Membership Secretary | : | Dave Goodwin |
Meetings Secretary | : | temporarily acting:Roger Johnson & Rachel Burnett |
Resurrection & Website Editor | : | Dik Leatherdale |
Projects Co-ordinator | : | David Hartley |
Ratification of Groups
Our Computer Heritage - | : | Simon Lavington (Digital Achivist) |
Analytical Engine | : | Doron Swade |
Bombe | : | John Harper |
Elliott 401 | : | Rod Brown |
SSEM | : | Chris Burton |
Elliott 803/903 | : | Terry Froggatt |
Software Conservation | : | David Holdsworth |
ICT 1301 | : | Rod Brown |
Harwell Dekatron Computer | : | Delwyn Holroyd |
ICL 2966 | : | Delwyn Holroyd |
EDSAC Replica | : | Andrew Herbert |
IBM Group | : | Terry Muldoon/Peter Short |
Bloodhound Missile/ Argus Preservation Group |
: | Peter Harry |
ICL 1900 | : | Delwyn Holroyd |
CCS Committee 2015-2016
Officers and Group Leaders as above, together with:
Science Museum | : | Katherine Platt | |
Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester | : | Katherine Platt | |
The National Museum of Computing | : | tba | |
Bletchley Park Trust | : | Kelsey Griffin |
North West Group
Chairman | : | Tom Hinchliffe | |
Secretary | : | Gordon Adshead |
Archives Adviser | : | Martin Campbell-Kelly | |
Media Officer | : | Dan Hayton | |
Tony Sale Award Co-ordinator | : | Peta Walmisley |
AOB as previously advised to the chair
To see our constitution document see the web page About the CCS.
The minutes of the meeting are available here.