
Manchester’s Computer Art Pioneer

Speaker: Elaine O’Hanrahan
Date: Tuesday 24th September 2024
Time: 14:30

Manchester Metropolitan University, John Dalton Building. Room E0.05.


About the seminar

During the 1960s Desmond Henry gained recognition for the abstract, curvilinear images produced by a series of three electromechanical drawing machines he created by adapting analogue bombsight computers, originally used in WW2 bombers to direct bombs onto their target.

The remains of his second drawing machine are currently with the London Science Museum.

In 2011, the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry hosted a solo retrospective of Henry’s machine-generated artwork.

His work forms part of major collections, including the V&A Museum in London.

For more information goto desmondhenry.com/

About the speaker

Elaine O’Hanrahan is the daughter of Desmond Herey and curator of the D. P. Henry Archive.