Title: The EDSAC Replica
Speaker: Andrew Herbert
Date: Thu 20th February 2014
Time: 14:30

Fellows Library of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2DD

and again on
Date: Tue 16th September 2014
Time: 17:30 Room open in advance (from 17:00) meet up with society members.

The Conference Centre. Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, Liverpool Road, Manchester. M3 4FP

About the seminar

Andrew Herbert, Project Manager for the EDSAC Replica Project will give an update on progress with the project.

Much of the rest of the machine is now reasonably well-understood and under design including the arithmetic functions ("computer control"), instruction fetch and decode ("main control"), computer-store "coincidence", input/output and initial instructions.

There is good progress with the nickel delay line store, with short delay lines now working quite reliably.

On the programming side we have re-created Wheeler's "coordinating orders" which will allow us to run both the first EDSAC programs (squares and primes) as well as later programs using the extensive EDSAC subroutine library.

Click to see a podcast of the event