Change to event - there will not be a demonstration of Pegasus in operation (see below)
About the seminar
This seminar marks the 50th anniversary of the Pegasus computer which is exhibited in the Science Museum - the oldest working electronic computer in the world. This computer was restored by members of the Computer Conservation Society - a significant achievement. It went on display in the Computing Gallery of the Science Museum in 1999.
This programme includes talks on the following topics:
The main speaker will be Chris Burton, who has unique experience in bringing old computers back to life, and is a lively speaker. Contributions will be included from Len Hewitt (leader of the ongoing CCS Pegasus project) and Doron Swade.
The talks will be followed by questions and discussion.
About Demonstrating Pegasus
We had hoped to include a demonstration of Pegasus in operation, but access for repairs and further restoration has not yet been given. The statement in the CCS news item of 17th Sept 2009 explains the original problem.
Arrangements to resume demonstrations are being progressed between the Science Museum and the CCS, but have not yet been resolved. You can see the static Pegasus in the Computing Gallery of the Science Museum.
About new edition of "The Pegasus Story" book
A new edition of this booklet is being published by the BCS, and will be available soon after the event. You will be able to reserve a copy.
About the speaker
Chris has been a member of the Computer Conservation Society since its inception in 1989. Initially he was a member of the Pegasus Working Party, and later took over that as Leader for several years. Chris is currently leader of the Elliott 401 Working Party.
Chris graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Birmingham in 1955. He worked on computer developments in Ferranti Ltd and then ICT and ICL from 1957 until his retirement in 1989. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Fellow of the British Computer Society and in 1998 was awarded the first BCS Lovelace Medal for the SSEM replica project
A starting point for more about Pegasus is the page on the Historic Pegasus Computer on the BCS website.
Click to see a podcast of the event