
The NAG Library - The Continuing Story

Speakers: Brian Ford and Steve Hague
Date: 17th April 2008
Time: 14.30 Room is open from 14.00
Location: Fellows Library of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2DD


About the Seminar

The seminar tells the story of NAG (the Numerical Algorithms Group) and its most famous and enduring product, the NAG Library of numerical and statistical algorithms.

The two speakers are Dr Brian Ford and Dr Steve Hague, and in describing how the Library was built, and how NAG as an organization and its products have evolved, they bring between them over 70 years of experience to bear.

The themes covered in the seminar will include the building a general purpose numerical software library, the critical role that automation (through the use of software tools) has played in developing that library, and NAG as a social and corporate entity. Then NAG´s current status and prospects will be presented, as the "NAG Library story" (now in its fourth decade) continues to unfurl.

The talks will be followed by discussion on the topics raised.


Dr Brian Ford, OBE, is the Founder Director of NAG and led the project as Director since its inception in 1970 in Nottingham, through its move to Oxford in 1973 and incorporation as a company in 1976, until his retirement in 2004.

Dr Steve Hague was NAG´s first funded employee, joining Brian in Nottingham in 1971 to forge with him a working relationship that was at the centre of NAG development for the next 33 years. Steve became Deputy Director in 1978 and was responsible for NAG technical policy until 2006.


For more background and a brief history about NAG follow this link.


Click to see a podcast of this event.