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18 September, 1997
ANSA Consortium Confidential
ANSA Technical Committee Meeting Agenda for 14th October 1997
Timestamp: 26/10/98 09:25
Chairman: Bill O'Riordan
0900 |
Welcome, apologies Confirmation of Agenda Minutes of Last Meeting |
0905 |
MC Update - Bill O'Riordan, Andrew
Herbert Since some TC members will not have attended the previous day's Management Committee, a brief update on the decisions taken at that meeting will be given. |
0920 |
DIMMA Update - Simon
Waterhouse Since the last TC meeting APM have made some improvements to the DIMMA software which have dramatically improved performance. The resulting code is offered by APM as an ANSA result. Simon will report on the changes and their impact. |
0935 |
Java Deployment Architectures - Matthew Faupel |
Matthew has been monitoring industry initiatives on application deployment architectures that relate to FlexiNet and is maintaining a report describing them. He will present his findings. The report is an ANSA result. | |
1005 |
FlexiNet Engineering Framework - Richard Hayton |
Richard has been co-ordinating the engineering framework for FlexiNet and has produced a report. He will present the architecture and describe its features. The report and code are ANSA results. | |
1035 |
Coffee |
1050 |
Engineering Security - Dave Otway |
Dave has been using the evolving FlexiNet framework to guide the implementation of a secure session facility for Java. He will present his implementation and the lessons learned. A report on the implementation and the code are ANSA results. | |
1120 |
Declarative Security Policies - Takanori Ugai |
Takanori has been investigating how to express security policy for agent systems declaratively and how to transform policies into.security engineering. He will present his findings. Fujitsu are kindly making Takanori's work an ANSA result | |
1200 |
Marimba - Mike Bursell and Douglas Donaldson |
APM has been investigating Marimba as a Java deployment technology and will be demonstrating it at an upcoming NetProject workshop. Mike and Douglas will give a presentation of their findings and a preview of the demonstration as background input to ANSA | |
1230 |
Lunch |
1330 |
Object Monitor - David Franklin |
Object Monitor is an ObjectLab deliverable offered as APM background input to ANSA. Object Monitor is a distributed event notification and filtering system with a powerful language for event recognition. A simple demonstration of its application to network management will be given | |
1400 |
FollowMe - APM Work - Will Harwood |
Will will give an overview of the tasks assigned to APM in the FollowMe project which will be used to augment ANSA funding for 1998. These tasks will form the foundation for the 1998 work plan. | |
1430 |
Pegasus Update - Tim Harris |
Tim has recently joined APM to work on the Pegasus project. He is investigation performance issues in Java, in particular how to link the resource management facilities of the Cambridge Nemesis microkernel to Java JIT compilers and caching techniques. Digitivity plans to take this work further into load balancing and scheduling Java applications across CAGE servers. Tim will briefly present his plans. The presentation is APM background to ANSA. | |
1445 |
Coffee |
1500 |
FlexiNet and transactions - Zixhue Wu |
Wu has started an investigation of transactions as a potential candidate for exploring declarative approaches to modelling constraints on component behaviour. He will present his findings and a proposal for taking the work further as part of FlexiNet. | |
1530 |
Binding - Oyvind Hanssen |
Oyvind - a visitor to APM from Tromso University has been investigating the design of binding mechanisms for component-oriented middleware. He will give a progress report on his work. | |
1600 |
FlexiNet Forward Planning - Richard Hayton, Andrew Herbert |
Having presented work to date and future directions, Richard and Andrew wish to confirm the objectives, scope and expected deliverables from FlexiNet for the coming 3-5 months. | |
1630 |
Any Other Business Date of next meetings Close |