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ANSA Technology Transfer Activities


The objective the ANSA technology transfer programme is:


The technology transfer process is in two parts. One for new sponsors, where the emphasis is on building up a working relationship and agreeing a technology transfer plan. The other is for existing sponsors where the emphasis is on executing and maintaining the technology transfer plan.

Sponsoring companies have very different cultures. Tailor-made plans are therefore necessary. For some companies technology transfer does not need as rigorous a plan as others.

Typical methods by which tewchnology transfer is effected are:


Technology transfer takes place upon request from sponsoring companies. However, we plan two phases of workshops, to be held at sponsor premises. For each tour companies state which projects are of most interest to them and we will tailor workshops accordingly.


For further details, to help tailor a workshop for your staff, or to arrange dates, contact Rob van der Linden (rvdl@ansa.co.uk).

23 Apr 1996; <rvdl@ansa.co.uk>

Converted from text 23 Apr 1996 by <rvdl@ansa.co.uk>