Jet - CORBA API for the Multi-media Environment


Streams, explicit binding, real time functions and support for the management of QoS place demands on the distributed processing environment which cannot be met by todays products. The ANSA distributed interactive multimedia architecture was proposed to meet the stringent demands.

Jet provides a CORBA API on the ANSA distributed multi-media environment. It provides a clean subset of the CORBA 2.0 C++ mapping. The aim is to provide the basis for extending CORBA with streams and explcit binding. As a result, not all of CORBA is supported.

Aproach and benefit

JET aims to provide a subset of CORBA API supported on the exisiting environment:

  1. A subset of a CORBA compliant platform which will enable experimentation with the necessary extensions to CORBA, such as real- time, streams, signals, explicit binding and QoS.
  2. Inter-operability with CORBA platforms: it will be possible to run management applications to control real-time applications, for example, from remote CORBA platforms.
  3. Conclusions from the work on the extensions listed above can be used as input to OMG to show how they can be added to the CORBA API.


Jet delivers tools which work with the ANSA distributed platform, released to sponsors of the ANSA workprogramme in December of 1995.



Completion is estimated March 1996.


For further details contact Yigal Hoffner ( or Nicola Howarth (